My brother walked up to me in Forest Hills and said we should move to Jersey.... Im like Joe WHAT THE FUCKS IN JERSEY. Joe said its cheap and its right near Hoboken. So per the usual, Eric and Joe went to JC to look at the place. I never went to apartment searchs because we had this theory that i was bad luck in apartment searches rick and joe had found Forest Hills apartment without me so we are sticklers for tradition.
One night when Chris had moved in i had to take a piss so i look in the living room and chris had fallen asleep listening to music in the living room. so i picked him up and put him in his bed. he didnt remember it the next day and he was laughing because i remember he had Weezer OH GIRLFRIEND LOOPED 20x on his mp3 player.
We all used to hit the food court at the mall because we barely made enough to buy a piss pot and since Steuben is on the ground floor there wasnt a window to throw it out. Roy Rogers was a good friend then. his market fresh sandwiches always brought a smile to skuppys face. The day wasnt complete until we hit either Champs for a football jersey, the GAMESTOP for Madden, or the pet store.

Wiffleball and BBQ were summer mainstays of Steuben. One day we had a grueling 9 inning 3 on 3 game. Chris' swing was a thing of beauty, such power... Tony's swing was more Griffey than Bonds, he could turn a curveball into a homer (which mind u is the road before the manischuwitz factory). After a game we'd spark up the Hibachi for Tony's famous marinade (soy infused delicacy) when day while preparing food in the kitchen we left the hibachi on. As we were walking out to put some meat on the Q, we noticed a bum had put his Big Mac on the grill (still in the wrapper) Tony or Chris yelled at him and he skampered off into the night.
Two Shot maximum and Bar one- One fine evening, Chris, Tony and i ended up at this bar called Mcswiggans in Hoboken. We grabbed a beer then asked for a shot of Baileys the bartender kindly poured then went about waiting on other people. after we finished our shots we were still starting out the night so we kindly asked for another round... the bartender turns around and screams at us in irish drall.. U"VE HAD TOO MANY... U'VE HAD 5 SHOTS NOW GO!!!!! We were laughin hysterically as we left Mcswiggans. We ended up at this hip hop lounge called Bar none in hoboken Chris and Tony were talking to some ladies and i saw this brunette looking at me so i talked to her.. long story short i was back in Weehawken having some "serious talks" with this girl and i got a pissed off call from Chris asking me where the fuck i was. i answered with i don't know how im getting home i was so wasted i didnt even know where we lived...
New Years with Guns and CAR BOMBS - Eric, Chris and I were bored before New Years so we met an exgirlfriend of Chris' who went to F.I.T. at the bar near there called the Triple Crown. We were the only people in the bar as that year "99" there was a hell of a storm before New Years. We waited for Chris' ex and had some guiness. Ex girlfriend came in with her friend from school who was from Boston. After introductions we had some drinks and inhibitions slowly left our brains. it seems Boston girl thought highly of her breasts, she referred to them as "GUNS" now i've heard weight lifters and guys who work out refer to their arms as guns... but never had I heard some girl call her tits GUNS! we all commented that way as well to which she holstered her guns and took down her 3rd guiness. Ex said these faithful words that made our night even more interesting "Do u guys know what a car bomb is?" for those who are reading this who dont a car bomb is a shot of baileys dropped into a pint of guiness and quickly guzzled. after 3 each we were plastered and walked back to the PATH train tackling the girls into the snow and chucking snowballs at each other.
to reflect back on the good old steuben days. . .. i'm not even sure where to start? the parties, women, the cheap rent with 10 roomates (half related), the women (a psycho, bartender(s) from hoboken, german nannies, the one nighters with ??????, and ???) i would definitely love to relive some of those moments.
dan, remember our trip to visit bobby at 10pm in nj when we took the under age girls out! didn't we show up with a bottle and case of beer for them and then sneek them into bars in hoboken. . .
how about when joe almost became a multi-millionare by sueing burger king when that aftrican american girl threw hot water on him. . ."NO YOU DIDN'T"
anyway, its good to know we all developed from that point on . we need to have another party set up in the next month in honor of the stueben days and dan's good health. . .
Ahhhh Stueben,
1.) nobody could sport the "inebriated Jesus look" better than yours truly. (except for a fat Jim Morrison, and he don't count because he wasn't a Steuben boy.)
2.) 99 cent 24oz. Budweiser's never tasted better.
3.) A floor so comfortable, it could put 1-800-mattress out of business.
4.) EEEEH, EEEEH, EEEEEH, EEEEH....(yo, chris)......half an hour later.....EEEEH, EEEEH, EEEEH, EEEEH, ...(chris!).....an hour later.....EEEEH, EEEEH, EEEEH, EEEEH......(CHRIS, IF YOU DON'T SHUT THAT FUCKIN' ALARM OFF!!!!!.........)
And, I wouldn't trade any of that experience for anything....Ok, yes I would, but you get my point.
FABS, CHRIS, and Tony (unanimous story from all 4 eyewitnesses)
"AWOL" - My friend from work Silvia had come and hung out with the Steuben boyz a lot and we were pretty cool with her. Silvia invited us to some party in Newark that we had to wait for Chris to get home from work before we went. Fabian was in town so we waited for Chris to come home. Arriving at our door was Jason a coworker of Chris who seemed pretty cool but was being kinda distant and quiet, he was an ex-marine. We drank a little at 142-144 Steuben then headed over to the party in Newark. We were greeted at the door by a corona some champagne and a buncha girls. Tony, Fabe, Chris, and me were talking to girls and we were dancing and having a great time. We all gave each other the look to say "YEAH DUDE, one of us is hooking up with these Newark chicks... No doubt.. *CRASH*... Hey whats that sound. it seems that Jason chris friend started a fight with a party goer... not only with this not the right person to pick a fight with it was the organizer of the party. The girls got pissed at us for being "friends with Jason" and Chris, Fabe, and I had to talk the guy into not kicking Jason's ass. we head our head low in shame as Silvia drove us back to Steuben unfufilled... to this day the words of one Fabian Camacho (who has captured Jason's face on video) rings truer and deeper than ever
"JASON........U FUCK"
PJ Ryans Karaoke -
This was our last hurrah as the First of the Steuben boys to leave was Eric. We got our usual bar stooled table at the new bar in town called P.J. Ryans. Eric was in rare form and had flung boogers unto the back of some chick facing the Karaoke booth. I saw 5 constellations on that black shirt she was wearing as i am not exaggerating there were at least 50 boogers on that black shirt.
We all had at least 3-4 and our favorite SOCO and lime shot and the next thing we know Chris is on stage doing Karoke. Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison was the song and Chris did it justice kicking up his legs and swinging the mic around really working the crowd. he was channeling David Lee Roth that day.
Sckupp (typed this out while calling him at Pizza land)
"Tony T one day had a package delivered to him, i remember all us sitting around the box waiting for him to open it. when he did it was like Xmas the green fell out of the box. I never seen anything like itSo Double T and us went for beers came home and were trying to sleep. Chris came home wasted and yelled at Tony asking where his package was waking everybody up."
"the only other thing i remember is READY BAKES and Budweiser"
I'll try to stay away for unavoidable subjects of distress and regret. So, lets just start with day one; Eric, Rhett, and I.....The Path, 18 foot ceilings and Prepping Rhett to expect the worst in our background check and old landlord references from Frank Bahar in Forest hills.
Day 1 of living there: Joe and a Co-worker driving in his van unloading Dan and Erics belongings and they were not around. (Negative thought, NAH)
I guess I should address each of the STU Frat with a memory of each:
Unreal Tournaments, Dan being the one to egg everyone on so he could totally destroy them, rigged a computer in each room so that we can be near eachother to play. Before the age of wireless, there was a neccessity to run wire from room to room. The Hub was where all the lines would plug into. That hub was in dans room. Is there a touch of symbolism there? Yeah, dan was the hub of stueben. But, my favorite thing about dan and STU, TRIPS TO THE MALL FOR A GOOD MOVIE and the FOOD COURT. Even shopping was fun.
Besides the more than occasional trip over his dental floss that somehow made its way around that building like an airborne virus, he was the one who brought an element of surprise to our lives. Not knowing who, what and .......well, her name, he wouldn't even know. Eric single handedly kept the print company who manufactured the Car Vouchers from Chase in business. I wish I was in the lumber business all those years, his antics with doors and wood products was unparalleled, I would have been rich from his abuse.
The first unwritten tenant at STU. Although his name didn't appear on any A-1 Property Management Document. Bibs had rights to the keys at STU. He pretty much planted is "no ass" as guest #1. My equal in Anal clean up sessions and the art in "DOING NOTHING" he was a perfect fit. With Dan, Bibs learned how to make fun of himself in a way that nobody could possibly deny as a classic in any book. Lets see, He pissed himself, threw up, banged around corners of the bathroom and celebrated a very Cousin Midevil Times B-day with me and Dan. Also, never completed a meal when Skup was around!
The first of the Migrators. Like a flock of Gulls, Chris migrated south to get his chops in the kitchen. Unfortunately, sometimes testing with our color coated frozen meats/Veggies. IE. Green Freezer bags were mine chris.........Why did you do that!!!!!!! Anyway, enter. OUR BELOVED CHRIS AREV ALARM ERA. Faithfully every morning, at 4:30am, Chris would have to get up to prep, I guess I did too, Funny...I never got a pay check for that. Advantages: having someone to make SPAM BOLI's With.....PRICELESS
A-1 Deli. A picture of Mohamed, Alah and ..........SKUP. A true innovator and Chef, mixing anything, POPCORN/FRUIT LOOPS....Poppadoops. Enhancing the English language with words like; SUMMA'S , PERDISH, OOOLEE. Confusious had nothing on Ol' Shckup...THe only person I know and love that can make so much freaking sense in less than 2 sentences. IE, " I live my life by the second" His engineering of boxes is well known around many parts, Made a nightstand out of a box and sheet and it worked perfectly for him.
Was it the ONIONS on his Sandwiches? Margerine on his stake pan? Or was it his laptop on his bed? None of those: It was his wicked curve on his wiffle pitches. Having T-Bone there brought an element of dry sarcasm and you knew he was fucking with you, but you still sat there and listened. Unbelievable. Tapestries, berks and the occasianal package of green from Texas made for an interested spectical amoungst the south half of the huge living room.
Big Bro JOE:
Well Lets try to stay away from bringing up the yoko of STU. Lets just keep it as, temporary insanity. It must have been my CHATTERBOX personality that kept me rolling at STU. Having girls drive down from Boston to visit for a weekend and then kicking her out, or was it the blonde from Deleware that made me laugh. All from the Net. Hence, Jersey Shore Era...working Internet dating sites like they were out of style, thats what I remember. Other things aren't meant to be brought up. Honestly, 1 day in September is the most vivid and thought of day when It comes to STU, besides our great 4 of JULY's and BBQ/WIFFLE GAMES.
I love all of you.
Some are born... All Die... we will always be... STEUBEN. When thinking about all the fun, crazy, stupid, amazing things that happened in that short span of time i thought to myself this blog deserves to be written by all the steuben boys so I crafted an email or called to all my brothers Steuben and asked for an anecdote or story they had from their days at Steuben.
Every day you wake up and your best friends are there to talk to, bullshit with, and grab a beer with. We were each other shrinks, love doctors, older brothers, younger brothers, confidants, and above all else friends. Contrary to every fucking reality show out there the "REAL WORLD" isnt 2 gay guys, 1 nymphomaniac, 2 muscle bound frat guys looking for booze, its Schkupp the youngest of us and all the wiser teaching us all to take everything "10 minutes at a time", its Tony, his dry humor and disciplined way that we all emulated, its Chris off the wall and grab life by the balls attitude and making great things from small, its Bobby's all around positivity, its Eric's love of being social, its Joe's advice, and Fabians presence that is the real world, and i hope i helped everyone by connecting 2 worlds together, Family and Friends. Those two words i hope now are blurred together because for us i'd like to believe we all may have started as one of those but ended up both.
This is our valentine to the old days.
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