WEEKEND EDITION - Money tests, Saki bombs, Mortal Kombat and Mad Machinery

A better way to blog the weekend is probably to do Saturday and Sunday in one fail swoop i think that is the best way to soak up the weekend. experience all the the happenings and take time to digest all thats happened.

The above picture is a funny shot Ashley (Dino's girl - Dino is my bro and bandmate in Mad Machinery www.mad-machinery.com) we took to get a reaction out of Dean. Ashley aka Yoko has a great sense of humor and we took those pictures one time while we were on a Halo marathon and stir crazy at 1AM. Good friends, family, and shared experiences are the foundations of everlasting memories. Why i include this? well read on brave reader!

Saturday morning Kasia and i met at my place (she had to work at 3:50) and shared sliced Gala apples and a touch of Sheridan liquor, which is half coffee liquor half cream. it makes a perfect mudslide as the liquor seperates in the glass. it was one of my favorite drinks to serve to friends when i bartended (briefly in Oneonta. She saw a picture of Joe and Ant on my fridge and asked if i was married... ?? i replied no hon, thats my brother. she asked are you twins? i replied yes if my mom was in labor for 5 years to which she laughed. after this we headed to Babo a tea place located in Pavonia newport on the way there she was holding my arm tightly and initating contact - a sign of interest (pleasantly surprised by this) we walked from Exchange Place to Newport discussing how nice the weather is and finding out more about her life in Poland. I decided earlier in the day to give her a test and see if she into me for what i provide for her or me in general, At Babo it was time to put my plan in action but before i could she started telling me a story. She was at work yesterday and a guy and a girl were on their first date, it seems this guy ditched this girl and didnt pay the bill (scumbag move, even if u dont like the girl at all... consider it a loss and move on being a gentleman my theory) i said to Kasia "that is a scumbag... how do u feel about that?" i made my manueveur and didnt have to apply the full test as she thank god said first date is always the guy takes care and if the girl doesnt even offer she is a "low person" i almost kissed her immediatly right there i was ecstatic but i kept it calm then waited and kissed her anyway... as the bill came she picked it up and tried to pay... i intercepted her and took care of it. we are still in the courtship stage... those things are still my responsibility so the principle and test was answered but coincidental and weird that she mentioned that story as the timing was amazing... we are on the same wavelength and i enjoy her more and more everyday.... as Robert Plant once said though the course may change sometime rivers always reach the sea. no greater lyric has been said IMHO.

Saturday Afternoon - After taking Kasia to the train and wishing her a great day i hung out with Bobby who was going to his cousins bachelor party. I don't see Bobby much these days as he works a lot and is heavy duty planning his wedding like a good little wife (enjoy that line Bob because i know you enjoy the blog bud!... just seeing if your paying attention :) We explored one mode of Mortal Kombat which is Kombat Chess. This is where u play a regular game of chess but when you take a piece you have to fight in Mortal Kombat to take the piece we were having a great time then Bob had to leave to catch his ride to the bachelor party. After bobby left i tried to catch some winks before this party that Dino had told me about.

<<<<<<<<<<< Comic by Ashley "Yoko" Henderson >>>>>>>>>>
Saturday evening My usual waiting spot for waiting for people is Starbucks. I find that if i kill a grande' vanilla iced coffee my brain seems to function either more contemplative or more manic so Saturday night i thought a little of both would be right what the doctor ordered. I sat facing out the front window and i saw a peculiar site. A girl was embracing her man tightly and with all the passion i've seen anyone show another human being. her arms tightly around his waist as her ears into his chest listening to his heartbeat and what was the guy doing during this obviously poignant public display of affection...... Chatting with a buddy on his cell phone............. Love is dead everyone... LOVE has been replaced by night and weekend minutes.
Dino and Yoko called and we met outside St Marks 88 a divey but really cool sushi/saki bar on 10th and 2nd. We walked inside and took our place at the back table saying whats up to the guy throwing the party. After bullshitting for a bit our boy Manny came in to which he looked directly at us then pretended he didnt walked to the back then back to us, it was a packed room maybe he didnt see us but im sure my pupils are white if you are less than 5 feet away from me (new contacts perhaps?) After eyeballing a bunch of really good looking girls (im not with anyone yet!! hold your horses everybody!) manny said the magic words, you want some Saki POP? BONZAI!!! another challenge from a Karwreck member (manny's band) and so Emmanuel and i went shot for shot of warm saki' He stopped at 8, i drank his last 2 small glasses and when the dust cleared we were 3 medium bottles of saki down... needless to say the buzz was on. There are two words in the english dictionary when put together mean either trouble or euphoria... these meant both SAKI BOMBS... Manny, the birthday guy (dont know his name, works with Dino and Manny) and i did Sapporo and Saki bombs captured in the above comic by Yoko. We walked out and on the way out i noticed a dark haired girl wearing 7 jeans and a black top i walked over to her friend and pulled out a line from back in teh day "hey hon, don't believe a word this girl says" they laughed and i was flirting with them something fierce Saki always makes me a bit crazy so those girls were laughing and enjoying it. Alas i didnt have time to close any deals as we were heading to a party with some bandmates of Manny's. At the party the aforementioned Karwreck member who thought he could outdrink me at our Arlene's show was there and i went to say hello and he said something to the effect of yeah... shut up.. i was like dude make the move.... im sure i would own u in less time than in would take for you to wax your fucking legs you little bitch (saki and testosterone...!!! YEAH!!) he walked away like a bitch and thank god as we play with Manny's band a lot in the future and i didnt want any ackward situations if i beat the piss out of that fucking moron. Unfortunately up the steps i stepped on Yoko's foot accidently so we left the party and headed back to my place to play some MK-Deception. Dino usually plays things on the accoustic in between games to keep from being bored. He starts playing Ennio Mariccone' Ecstasy of Gold (the good the bad and the ugly) and goes he man you know what song this is? i go yeah Ecstasy of Gold, he goes you know why im playing it???? BECAUSE IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS... it made literally no sense whatsoever but we were dying over it for the rest of the weekend as i took the trip back to Hawthorne with Yolk and Dean so i didnt have to take the train on Sunday morning early. On the way to Dino's we saw someone hitting the guard rail and bouncing off so we pulled over and called 911 and waited for them to arrive. The guy broke his finger and so the cops let us go as we didnt see the actual accident... SLEEP wasnt deprived... THANK GOD we were exhausted.
For Yoko (ASHLEYS") perspective of the weekend go to her blog by clicking here

Sunday - Band practice was a disaster from my perspective. Everyone else was amazing but i felt my tone was shitty and i couldnt keep the Jackson in tune. I think i may have to look into a new guitar sooner than later. We were jamming on some Metallica which sounded amazing. After practice we went to Habachi at Gasho of Japan which was delicious but strangely i couldnt eat much at all. The Ninja cups rules as Joe and I got a buddah cup 5 years ago for cousin Jerry's confirmation at Gasho in Middletown. After Gasho and practice, we went back to Dino's grabbed some green moutain coffee and played MK-Deception and Dino got pissed because i kept doing 5 move combo's with his most hated foe Sub Zero. I was getting 30% damage and Dino was complaining he couldn't block... nice try novice better luck next time (its about time i win in games, this kid has been handing me my ass in Halo for months and the best part is that PUNK played that game at my apartment FIRST then he became great at it). Below is a picture of Dino's nemesis and my buddy Sub Zero.

Be great....duplicate
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