Day 22 - Back to Reality

When you walk amongst the clouds, it is sometimes good to get your feet back on the ground so that you can enjoy the clouds more - Deep thoughts by "Dan Handy"
Today was a late day for me i awoke at 8:30 hit the gym and did biceps quick 3 sets of 10 reps. alternating dumbell curls, dumbell curls and reverse curls . I went to the gotham deli and got 3 egg whites on wheat toast and devoured it on my way to the PATH train. Lately the amount of food i injest is increasing as im building more and more muscle and fat burns faster on me. The diet is the most important thing to this. U can excercise all u want but if you dont diet correctly u will not get the results u want. This means at least 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound. I'm 190 now and i ingest 200 grams of protein a day. i feel like im eating constantly but im not im just eating every 2 1/2 hrs.
At the office, Mikey and i had to head to seacaucus to setup some servers for SF. we were in and out so we hit the outlets across the street because Mikey needed boots. This sales girl was hitting on me (it was very blatant) but due to my current situation i politely pushed mikey unto her ;) We then headed back to the office and we were hanging a little with Courtney who's a great girl we work with. Courtney is a the only die hard BoSox fan i would ever call a friend.
On the way home i bought Mortal Kombat and NBA live 2003. I remembered that i needed a shower curtain so on the way home i stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond. I wanted to change from the ocean and blue and green motif in my bathroom so i got silver rugs and a great map of the WORLD shower curtain. its good changing things every so often its a good process so that you can cleanse your mind of old thoughts, customs, ways.
I spoke to Kasia briefly as she called me during her break from work. She is excited about Saturday and so am I. too bad she has to work at night, but its cool i may hang with Eric and Sonja. Dino's also doing something but havent heard back on the details.
be great.... dupliate.
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