Day 12 - "Power Eating" and Press kits

Forced Inspiration may lead to a bad blog but damn it i'm gonna pull something good out of today. the extrovert must become introverted..
This morning i awoke at dawn and put my boots on (who likes the doors? i do) seriously i went down to the gym to do 45 minutes of cardio (after yesterdays hooters fiasco of 50 wings) . I was so groggy and tired i got on the treadmill and didnt notice Harlin in the corner doing crunches. as she walked out my peripheral vision caught her and she was looking at me and waiting for a hello. I said good morning and asked how her weekend was, she said busy. i said good to see you and off she went. i may ask her to hang this week to see if there is anything beyond Magna Cum Laude's and Pension plans in her future.

When i got to work Mikey and i grabbed breakfast and were chatting about the new Grand Theft Auto called San Andres' its basically set in a fictious town that is made up of LA, SF, and Las Vegas. im excited for that game to come out as GTA is a fun game. We recieved some new IBM laptops that are nice that i spent the majority of the day setting up so i can blog while laying down and on the road as well as test these bad boys for ADVS.
On the way from work i stopped at Barnes and Noble and bought a book on sports nutrition called "power eating"
I did Biceps tonight. i really worked them hard as the No2 i've been taking helps keep pumps and historically my arms flatten after 2 days of working other body parts. when i was doing alternating dumbell curls this asian fellow on the treadmill farted really loud and almost forced me to drop my dumbbell on my foot because i kid you not it must have lasted 1 minute and a half. one can only marvel at that kind of skill. I could take that kid places with talent like that.

When i got back i was greeted by a call from Dino my best pal and bandmate in Mad Machinery and we had discussed delegating some work around the band to ensure we get things going because he's been working a lot of hours at MTV. I wanted to work on the Press kits so Dino sent me a buncha pics from our shows and our new logo. A press kit is used to send to radio stations and clubs for booking. it contains a bio, cd, band facts etc. typically its thrown out because no one has taste in music anymore and the industry is a fucking farce (jaded Dan took over my keyboard.. BAM! there i just beat him down) I just think we should play more gigs so whatever i need to do to make it happen is cool with me.
p.s. Lemon - you always will be bitter no matter who's tastebuds sink their teeth into your rind. no amount of sugar can make that lemonade taste good. after the juice has been extracted, you were the citrus i threw out.
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