Day 10 - The past meets the present

I recieved a call today from Victor Soto. Vic and I used to work together at Comedy Central and have always kept in touch as he is my mentor and an all around great person. I owe my career to him and i make no qualms saying this. He was going to our "local" when we worked at 1775 Broadway at Comedy, Mcgee's on 55th and Broadway and wanted to see if I wanted to meet up and discuss old times or as we refer to them the "Golden Years". I asked Mikey if he wanted to come with and so we trekked all the way from 42nd and 3rd to Mcgee's.

On the way we were chatting and i have told Mikey about Vic a lot. Vic was my cube mate at Comedy we sat next to each other for a year and were very close. He taught me how to treat people and how to impart knowledge while your doing so. He also has OCD wanting everything perfect and told me "NEVER HALF ASS". It dawned on me that mike was the conduit for all the sum total of knowledge i gleamed from Vic and all the things i put together on my own. I joked "Vic is your grand dad and 3 generations of IT are getting together."

We entered Mcgee's and saw Vic with his favorite Beck's beer in hand. and it was a trip introducing Vic to Mikey. Me, Vic's best student, and Mikey mine. Mikey and Vic have a lot in common as both have Cuban ancestry and were discussing those who flee Fidel and stories of what people endure to get away from his regime. Mikey asked Vic if it was true about me bringing him a croissant and chocolate milk for him once a week, vic told him that it happened "occasionally" (OK SO I EMBELISH history SUE ME) Vic relayed to Mikey a story of my impetuous youth when we were working on an issue in the data room and the whole network was down and some smart guy decides to open the door and say "I CANT PRINT" OF COURSE U CANT... as i slammed the door. Vic said he didnt know whether to yell at me or shake my hand. We ordered a couple of rounds and got some apps and continued to discuss the world of computers, games, funny stories etc. Mikey had to bolt out because of his new kitten gizmo so we said our goodbyes and took the above picture.
After Mikey left a somber look crept unto Vic's face and he said poppy you know you are a brother to me and im sorry i didnt tell you sooner, my mom passed away last month. I felt like someone hit me across the head with a 2 x 4. Vic is very close with his family and always had pictures of his mom, dad, sisters, and nephews all around our cube so i knew that it hurt him deeply. Vic's mother fought bravely through many ailments like Lukemia and was vibrant up until her passing Vic shared with me. Vic recounted the day his mom passed and i couldnt help but feel sorrow as my friend, mentor, brother spilled his guts out and how much it hurts not able to share things with his mother. He said poppy i got all my organization and smarts from her she was a saint and i miss her everyday. i gave him a hug and said I am so sorry for your loss, words cannot even express.
Rest in Peace Momma Soto you raised an amazing son. Although i never met you, you have touched my world and you and your boy are the salt of the earth.
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