Day 1 - Greetings and Masturbations...
ME -
I decided that i wanted to share with my friends all that transpires during the week for their buddy POP. Since i'm a Virgo i'll categorize it in 4 topics. GIRLS aka Bitches, Music, Work, and Football.. is there any other topics in this world?
Last night Kevin and i went to smoke some cigars at Nat Shermans then over to the Cellar Bar for drinks and late night pickups. Cellar Bar is a quaint lil yup haven that wishes it were a W but will only end up causing them pain when Abercrombie and Fitch doesnt make a new turtleneck or chino pant for them to indulge in while cruising for models that they have no chance with really. Kevin and i were chatting about life and ladies and the fact that when you arent looking thats when you'll find what ur looking for. They had a chess board setup in the main room and i got housed in speed chess because i exposed my queen too early. i made a revelation while walking to the 33rd Path train that im applying too much pressure on myself to succeed in my love life and thats making me seem needy and giving too much of my "tell cards" much like a game of texas hold em. I don't want to be the one holding them in the long term.
IDEAL WOMAN SPECS for September 2004-
Dark Hair - straight NOT CURLY
Green or Blue eyes - round
somewhat tanned
must keep in shape
has to be self sufficient and
if she is all about POP CULTURE and flashes gang signs and stupid shit like that get me a loaded gun with two bullets, one for her and one for the doctor that brought her into this world.
Mad Machinery is playing at Arlene's grocery November 4th. Dino mastered our August 27th show and it really sounded good. I really am becoming more and more confident in my playing and onstage. Dino, Ed, and Akil are great musicians so that makes me want to step up my game because we really are tight. It helps when people in a group are egoless and encourage you to either succeed or fail if you are sitting on the bench so to speak how will you hit a home run? I can't wait to start practicing again (late september prolly)
Bored working on mundane day to day nothing really to report.
Tis the season... i started last week and had the second highest total for thePOPFL league for 111 points. i got housed in Tony T's league by Tony. this kid is the luckiest human being alive, Terrell Owens had 3 TD's and he beat me by 20 points bringing my self esteem to an all time low.
Ill see you all tomorrow when i continue the saga that is Dan

I decided that i wanted to share with my friends all that transpires during the week for their buddy POP. Since i'm a Virgo i'll categorize it in 4 topics. GIRLS aka Bitches, Music, Work, and Football.. is there any other topics in this world?
Last night Kevin and i went to smoke some cigars at Nat Shermans then over to the Cellar Bar for drinks and late night pickups. Cellar Bar is a quaint lil yup haven that wishes it were a W but will only end up causing them pain when Abercrombie and Fitch doesnt make a new turtleneck or chino pant for them to indulge in while cruising for models that they have no chance with really. Kevin and i were chatting about life and ladies and the fact that when you arent looking thats when you'll find what ur looking for. They had a chess board setup in the main room and i got housed in speed chess because i exposed my queen too early. i made a revelation while walking to the 33rd Path train that im applying too much pressure on myself to succeed in my love life and thats making me seem needy and giving too much of my "tell cards" much like a game of texas hold em. I don't want to be the one holding them in the long term.
IDEAL WOMAN SPECS for September 2004-
Dark Hair - straight NOT CURLY
Green or Blue eyes - round
somewhat tanned
must keep in shape
has to be self sufficient and
if she is all about POP CULTURE and flashes gang signs and stupid shit like that get me a loaded gun with two bullets, one for her and one for the doctor that brought her into this world.
Mad Machinery is playing at Arlene's grocery November 4th. Dino mastered our August 27th show and it really sounded good. I really am becoming more and more confident in my playing and onstage. Dino, Ed, and Akil are great musicians so that makes me want to step up my game because we really are tight. It helps when people in a group are egoless and encourage you to either succeed or fail if you are sitting on the bench so to speak how will you hit a home run? I can't wait to start practicing again (late september prolly)
Bored working on mundane day to day nothing really to report.
Tis the season... i started last week and had the second highest total for thePOPFL league for 111 points. i got housed in Tony T's league by Tony. this kid is the luckiest human being alive, Terrell Owens had 3 TD's and he beat me by 20 points bringing my self esteem to an all time low.
Ill see you all tomorrow when i continue the saga that is Dan
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