Day 4 - Birthday

Today i woke up and felt no different. 28 as a number is being closer to 30 but not yet feeling 30... if that makes much sense.
This morning did some cardio then chilled at the apartment and played Madden extending my franchise record to 7-0 with the colts. Peyton Manning had 7 TD's for 512 yards and i set a madden record... love that game! Brian Poon is in town and he sent me an email saying whats up and he wants to hang out I then took an animal pak and some creatine then did chest at the gym. I saw Harlin there. She's a cool girl i see on sunday's that i used to see working out a lot and never spoke to much because i really want to focus while at the gym shes a nice person so i chatted with her. She told me she saw Garden State... i really want to see that film it seems like its up my alley then i saw the property manager for my building Robin she complimented me on the change of weight etc. Harlin said goodbye and that she's working out tomorrow and maybe she'd see me. i winked at her and said "hopefully" Later. I got birthday good wishes calls from my parents, then Schkupp (cousin Mike, bobby's brother), Jenny, Ro.
I then hit the hard grove for some grilled chicken and salad, then across the street to GNC for a protein shake from METR-X. the people they hire at GNC confound me.... how is it these folks try to recommend shit and have no clue what the fuck they are talking bout. this guys like dont get that protein bar it makes you "shit"... i'm like is that a medical term.... SHIT? need a job and you are an underachiever with no outlook on life... apply at GNC you may get hired on the spot.
Bobby called me and we split a Roni Roll before Joe, Ant, Dino, and Ashley (aka Yoko) came over. Everyone got to my place at 6ish and we headed down to Baja (mexican place downstairs) for some fajitas and birthday wishes. They had the mexican folks sing happy birthday to me then we headed upstairs. Joe got me a black Terrell Owens jersey (WR for the Eagles on my fantasy team) Antonette got me a great gift which i was blown away by an art easel paints and brushes, i've always wanted to try painting things so this was unexpected and totally cool! they got me a great cake and 7 layers cookies which made cheating on my diet OH SO GOOD!!! Bobby got me a calendar a hat that says POP on it. Jenny got me a great V-neck from AX that i adore.
Andres, Selke, and Tidy called me to wish me a happy birthday. Andres and i hit it off immediately because we have the same tastes and he challenges me (in a positive way) to be creative because he is absolutely brilliant! Tidy was explaining to me the virtues of Chinglish. Which is heavily accented english by a chinaman i.e. BIE DUMPAH inna DIPAH. funny shit! I relayed to them the story of how Dino and i were going to get his car which was parked two blocks away as we get in the car and turn around we see a black couple crossing the street and the guy was obviously rapping trying to get this sister to go home with him. we were joking bout what the guy would be saying. we were like "Yo baby, i just want to rub oil on your back and booty, draw up a bath with oils and bath salts, rub your feet... yadda yadda yadda then i do the whole schtick but throw this gem in "then i want to stick my dick in your pocket book.... we were dying for like 20 minutes.... what the fuck we're MUSIC INDUSTRY MAJORS we laugh at anything!!!
All in All a great birthday exactly as i suspected. All i wanted to do was bullshit with my closest friends and family and i appreciate everyone for making apartment 610 feel a little bigger. i love u all very much.
Gifts all -

Card from Joe and Ant -

Card from Dino and AshleYOKO

Funny bag Antonietta and Joe got me

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