Saturday, September 18, 2004

Day 3- Jenny and Versace

My Birthday is on a saturday so Mikey (my protege' and like a little brother to me) took me to lunch today and we had great sushi at Hatsuhana near our work. We had some great sashimi and Salmon Terryaki. Our server i will call Kumiko (like Karate Kid part 3) was a hot asian girl, but when she opened her mouth it seemed like she was in a gun fight with her mouth open. Her teeth were like the lower level of a cave with stalagmites jutting up all GNARLY. Mike goes "she s pretty hot pop" and I said "yeah, but i wonder if Hatsuhana has a dental plan?"

When we got back from the teeth.... err i mean Hatsuhana i noticed in my mailbox there was a card from Versace. i bought a sweater and a shirt from there on wednesday and the salesman named Gil sent a note thanking me for the purchase (i thought that was classy) anyway it turns out that Gil is good friends with my little cousin Jenny they both go to F.I.T. together. I called Gil as Versace's number was on the card and asked him if this really amazing looking Tall darked hair girl was single. he said he'd talk to Jenny when he found out.

Jenny and i met for dinner downstairs at Oddfellows. She had a fish called Talapia while i consumed mass protein in a 3/4 pound burger. YUMMY!! we were chatting and my little angel Jenny tells me Gil called her and send the girl (Vanessa) has a man and ironically LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE ME.... GOD WHEN WILL THIS IRONY END!!! Chantel (jens roommate) met us and we were planning on going out in the city i was gung ho at first but after that burger i felt really tired and sluggish so i passed.

After dinner i went upstairs to see Bobby and his inlaws were in town. After some pub mix and beers we started to watch the rain delayed Yanks - Sox game. then hit gym to work out traps and shoulders.

THE YANKEES LOST.... Sox in the 9th.. its only one game and the Yankees rule!!