Day 9 -Katwalk and fajita salad

Awakened at 7:30 by the garbage truck, took my usual 12 vitamins in the morning and noticed how hot it was outside. Joe sent me an email for a forthcoming blog i want to do about the Steuben Boyz that i thought was fucking hilarious and cant wait to post after i recieve some more input from the other Steuben Crew. For those who arent part of the illuminati, myself, Joe, Bobby, Eric, Chris, Joe, Tony, and Skupp used to live together in Jersey City on Steuben street.
I headed to do cardio for 30 minutes watching some sportscenter thinking of what i can do to augment my already amazing lineup in Fantasy Football. I am 2-0 in the POPFL, and 1-1 in Tony's league playing Fabian this week. Fabian and i spoke on AOL IM about old time and new times. Fabian works for GE and is in Italy right now, Hope that kid comes back to the main land for Dansgiving because it will be good to see Fabs, Chris, and Tony in one spot so we can our usual see who can make the other guys laugh more. Fabs told me hes going to settle down with Connie from Florida whom he met while he was down there. I hope it works out for him hes good people and deserves good things that happen to him.

After work, Kev and i decided to hit up some thursday happy hour haunts local to Advent. We passed by Bryant Park and the usual it was a "sausage factory" with Ties, blue shirts, and Corona's everywhere. I think there is a yuppie factory in midtown that clones the same person and places them in direct path with a good looking lady so that no matter what angle you are trying to get a look, she is obscured by "Brad" or "Tom". We kept on keeping on almost seeing vehicular manslaughter when a masochist decided to cross the street with 6 cars speeding towards him, Kev and I summarized he walked on many flaming coals in India and probably was an adrenaline junky. We went up 5th ave to 35th between 5th and 6th to Katwalk. Looking at the above propaganda picture from Katwalk you'd think there'd be good visuals everywhere but all we got was two girls sharing shrimp cocktails and discussing the subtle nonsense that single girls in New York who are trying to be Carrie from Sex and the City talk about (p.s. i have single girl friends who are interesting so please fair lady readers DONT GET OFFENDED) Louis Vitton bags, silly boys and why they didnt get a call back, and the inevitable why doesnt this cosmo have an "orange zest" instead of a proper lemon. Kev was telling me about his lady he affectionately refers to as "THE PERSIAN" i always laugh when he calls her that because i dont remember her name and yet i remember the pseudonym "THE PERSIAN" everytime its such a funny nickname! she's coming next week and kev is getting all set and ready for his princess of persia and a weekend of bliss. Kev and i walked to herald square, i hit the path and he hit the 1 or 9.

After attacking triceps i was pretty hungry so i headed down to baja for big grilled chicken fajita salad as i was famished. i am sitting at the bar putting out my best hetero vibe and hoping the extra Axe body spray i put on before i left the apartment would augment my already powerful pheremone. As i sit there some guy hits on me... "U COME HERE OFTEN... Im like yeah.. hes like "cool, whats your name" i go "Hungry, now if you would be a doll and get the fuck away from me i'd love it.... APPRECIATE YA!" i think he got the point as i started hitting on the bartender girl who was doing whippets with the whipped cream can behind the bar as she was bored.
MORAL TO THE STORY... i am not homophobic at all, i work with and have gay friends i am respectful of other peoples preference be it religion, gender, race, and sexual orientation but for the love of god... DONT BOTHER ME WHILE IM EATING!!!!
later all
be great and duplicate
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