Day 6 - Changes

That mean guy above is me in May (Before) and me After (Today) i really want to tally once a month in a blog my changes in weight in a picture and any changes in diet and exercise so that i can document my progress 30 days from now and beyond.
Today i worked out chest, 6 sets of bench (2 warm up) i managed to do 225 (2 45lb plates on each side 8 times) which is my personal best. I have to control my diet a little more to get the last vestiges of chub off stomach and get the 6 pack.
People want to know what prompted me to try and get fit and lose weight. i will tell everyone now the real reason. There is this ideal person i see in my brain. one that is mentally, physically, spirtually, and financially at the apex of his potential. I looked in the mirror and saw someone that wasnt content and wanted to change. if i can affect the things in my own life than hopefully i can affect others as well. A wake up call is when you wake up and cant breath because you've eaten so much and the only thing that makes you less lonely and somewhat happier is a toxic blend of sugars, starches, carbs, and other things that shorten ones lifespan. After you change your lifestyle you wonder why you ever did those things to your body. Your body is your engine and it in turn feeds your mind. you are clearer and dont feel the limitations and setbacks of low self esteem and low self worth.
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