Day 21 - Kasia and the house that ruth built

Those of u reading this who know me know that it is rare for me to be at a loss for words but for once I am. I am totally and utterly in a state of euphoria (great anthrax album PICK IT UP NOW).
Kasia and i planned to meet at 5:30 on 42nd and 5th, so i bid a fond adieu to Mikey who showered me with good lucks and well wishes. THANKS MIKEY, hes like Mick from rocky! and i got there at 5:10 so i went to get a shoe shine i look up and there was my Kasha. we headed to grand central and grabbed a bite to eat at Naples... YES NAPLES, if you are a special person in my life i will take u there. All my close cousins and friend have been there (YES U PAT, BOB, JEN!). we were discussing what we like and dislike in a partner and we found the lists to be very similar. She had a Napoli salad and i had my favorite roasted chicken which reminds me of my mom's chicken with potato's in the stove. at that point we headed to the 4 train in order to take it to the Bronx and the house that ruth built.
Jammed like sardines on the 4 train we were a little too close for comfort but both Kasha and i didn't mind at all. Our seats as u can tell by the above pictures were NOSEBLEEDS. Thanks Advent sales... APPReACIATE YA! She was so excited and was asking me questions about the game and telling me that she was so happy to be there with me. I got her a Yankee hat and we walked WAY UP to our seats. As we walked in the crown erupted as Jeter hit a home run. U can feel the presence of god when a wave of positive energy washing over you in crowd noise and high fives. Baseball is god's game and the Yankees are on a mission from god ;) Yankee stadium is so storied and when you walk into its hallowed halls you feel like a winner because of how successful the team is. During playoff time its even more intense as you look into the stands and see a sea of Navy blue and grey jerseys and the most recognizable logo in sports the NY. Kasia had never been to a game so when the crowd was chanting MVP MVP when sheffield hit his home run, she asked "what does this mean, this MVP?" i replied "TOP PIEROGIE in Poland is the same as MVP" she laughed.
We left in the 7th inning (the game went to 12 innings) because we wanted to beat the crowd going home. On the train she asked me about my diet and what i do, and she said to me I have to lose weight too (trick question) I said no u don't... u look great! We walked from Union Square to the 9th street path station and i was telling her about this weekend and what i may or may not do. Friday a coworkers birthday, tonight hang with Kev, Saturday hang with Dino, Sunday - band practice. We waited a long time for the train so that gave us more time to talk about life in general and i find it easy to speak to her. We embraced before the train came and she said to me im glad i met you, to which i said "me too".
be great.... duplicate
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