Day 14 - Boyfriends, IBM, Wrestling, and how 20 dollars found is better than $100 earned

I began this day as any other, I skipped cardio today in order to try and bulk up a bit so i am cutting my cardio to 4-5 days a week 45 minutes a session. I worked out Triceps and saw Harlin. we were chatting as usual, and so i asked what are u up to this week. she said, "we'll my boyfriend and i are hitting dinner and blah blah".. DID I JUST HEAR BOYFRIEND.. im like cool well you enjoy yourself, on one hand i was relieved that i wouldnt have to sit through another false session listening to her extoll on the merits of the GMAT and grad school on the other hand i thought it a bit shady that someone with a man would let a stranger such as myself buy her coffee and not mention that little detail.
CHANGE OF EVEN SPEAKING TO HER AGAIN 0% - the train keeps a rollin.

Big Blue reared its head today as Mikey and i played with our new IBM thinkpads (which i am typing on right now) Mikey found some neat little utilities they include with their laptops that we were kind of impressed with. I really am digging how quick and easy they are.

After work i met Dino, Yoko, and Dino's mom at Grand Central and Dino got me a late bday gift of the xbox version of Legends of Wrestling 3. its amazing all the old wrestlers from growing up and u can play as the ultimate warrior... yeah thats right i like wrestling what about it? We got some drinks downstairs of GC then they had to go catch the train. im hoping we get to practice sunday, i miss jamming.

On my way back home i was walking down my hall and saw $20 bucks laying in the middle of the hallway. I looked around and knocked on each door to the left or right of the 20... no answer. in the pocket it went and i guess tomorrow i will be able to tip someone in Manhattan seeing as everything else in this city is so damned expensive ;)
p.s. this weekend will be the Steuben special edition which will be a long blog on Friday to encompass every Steuben boyz perspective on living together. its the funnest thing i ever gotten to edit and write about so im excited for everyone to read.
be great.. duplicate
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