Day 18 - a rose blooms in Jersey and a walk in the park.

My Sister Roseanne came down to visit me this weekend. Her Birthday was Friday and she turned 35. My sister raised me as my folks were working a lot so I owe my movie, TV, and music knowledge to her among other things. I wanted my sister to be able to not worry about the little things and just enjoy herself and maybe get to see the "Dan" version of NYC. We have our little issues but i think they are because we are very alike and try to know as much as we can about any subject we find. In my sister i see a lot of myself. I see someone who deserves only the best things and should feel confident in herself as she is a wonderful human being who's only limitations are self imposed. To my sister with much love i dedicated this weekend to.
She wrote about our weekend in her blog
Kasha and I had a date planned for Sunday as i had called her Friday to setup a hang out. My sister had left at around 11:20 and i had it set to meet Kasha at 1:00. I had an hour to kill so I went to Riviera Bakery in Hoboken and noticed that the girl behind the counter was Polish so i asked her how to say Hello (chess-CH) and How are U (YESH U MESH) , (for those who watch Da Ali G show, I was cracking up because thats what Borat says) after having 2 double espressos i was wired and hit Barnes and Noble to kill time. I bought two books on drawing still objects as i have an idea for a painting for the easel that Joe and Antonette got me for my birthday. I spent about 20 minutes at Barnes and Noble sketching and trying to hone techniques i was reading about in the book and said to hell with it as i wanted to meet Kasha. We were to meet at Starbucks at 1, and CVS is in Hoboken and right next door so i stopped there to get some things for the apartment. I peer down as im reading a shampoo label and as i peer up across from me in the other aisle i see her hazel eyes and we both smiled... weird coincidence.?! She had attacked my senses but i had to keep it cool (ICE COLD!!!!... Outkast Andre 3000 referrence... look it up novice). we kissed hello (european customs rule!!)
We had brunch at Buscars in Hoboken we both had omelettes and were talking about different subjects like age, living alone, clubs, different foods. etc etc. After brunch we headed to a bakery for desert and coffee and chatted some more. We discussed tanning (im a new expert since my weight training and reading arnolds book i am well versed in the UV world) then headed to Frank Sinatra park. We have a lot in common personality wise. She is a Virgo and enjoys her order and isnt very neurotic. she's calm in the pocket. i sense some degree of compatibility personality wise but only time will tell.
She had to work at 4 (she works at Tutti Pasta in Hoboken so i walked her to work) she was free on Tuesday so i asked her if she wanted to hang again Tuesday for sushi, she said "definitely" so we'll see what happens. I am optimistic as i enjoy her company and from a primal face value i am DEFINITELY attracted to her.
be great... duplicate
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