Day 26- Seven of Hearts

Today i awoke and did 45 minutes of Cardio while watching all the football i missed while at Band practice. Rocky beat me by almost 50 points... there goes my unbeaten streak (dames they do mess up ur legs ROCK!!!- Micky in Rocky 2 said that) I had high hopes but my team just came up short.
On my way to the office (brisk autumn morning i love!!!) i stopped at BR to get some sweaters and pants for the week and my trip to SF on the 27th. I got brown pants and olive shirt for a fall like ensemble' (can someone call Queer Eye please?- p.s. that show blows....) At work it was very quiet today just dealing with logistical bullshit and the usual Monday Misery. Kasha called me at 4 briefly as she works on Mondays as well and it was Columbus day and her restaurant gets really packed. She said that she bought shoes and said I'd like them which was sweet. i told her you can wear flipflops and i'd like them no matter what. She also said she got free tickets to see the actor Danny Aiello in Atlantic City sing. She had to go but we made plans to hang out tomorrow. I was thinking all day of places to take her, i am bored of taking her to places to eat so i've been racking my brain all day figuring out whats a cool autumn place for us to chat and enjoy each other company.
On the way home from work i went to the Newport mall and got some insoles for my brown shoes and another sweater from the Man's limited. one of the sucky parts of losing 65 pounds is you have to buy all new winter clothes or i'd look like a hoodlum with a sweater down to my knees and pants too stout. I walked home down Steuben and in the street i saw a playing card face down... i turned it over to reveal a 7 of hearts. Seven is my lucky number so maybe this is god's way of saying putting Kasha in your life is my gift to you or....................... you need to date another 7 chicks then you'll find true love. Aint that a bitch.
be great.... duplicate
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