Day 32 - MVS Aunt Grace, Flannel Sheets, and Arlenes Grocery

Monday Morning
When you see greatness up close you need to be in shock and awe and just how good someone is at a certain thing. For instance Michael Jordan playing basketball, Tiger Woods playing golf, Aunt Grace in a grocery market. I am taking this week off to recoup and recharge the batteries and my aunt was in town so me, bobby, schkupp went shopping. First we went to linens and things as aunt grace wanted to get jen some things. I got a flannel comforter and my aunt grace unbeknownst to me until we got outside got me flannel sheets set (OH SO TOASTY!! i am typing in my sheets right now and am loving life) I cashed in some coins i had (105 bucks worth) and used them to buy groceries. I had the great fortune of seeing my aunt grace go shopping at A and P. it was amazing the way she darted in between each aisle and attacked each section like she was Serena Williams in a tennis match. I watched with my mouth wide open as the produce section fell victim to her grocery strategy which would make Kasparov in a chess game blush. all in all a great day and my aunt grace rules!

Monday Evening
That night i put my new sheets on my bed. did some cardio then was text messaging my baby Kasia. i had messaged her on her phone the horoscope of the day where it said to hang out with a special friend that night. and then i told her i was taking a walk. When i got to hoboken, i text messaged her from across the street of where she works and said Look outside. I smiled at her, and then walked down the street as i sent her another message that said i'd walk her home after she gets done with work. I went to Blockbuster to kill time (it was 10:15 and she gets out at 11) i rented a BUNCH of movies and just hung out at Mile Square for her to meet me. At the bar a girl was flirting with me asking me dumb questions like "Do the Yankees play in the Bronx?" do they have Blue and Grey uniforms, she was making conversation, i was nice but saw through it. As the annoying questions mounted, my Kasia walked in and thats where the girl talking stopped and turned a little red. it was ackward but i wasnt paying attention the Yankees were losing.. (they lost 3 games in a row... 3-3.. THEY BETTER WIN GAME 7) I walked her to the train and we just talked about our days and talked bout what we want to do Wednesday (her day off)

Tuesday Morning - did some cardio and tris and shoulders. as i was doing tri's i noticed that this lady was doing cardio while watching the Food Network. The lady was making deserts on the show while this poor girl was killing herself on the treadmill. IS ANYONE SEEING THE IRONY OF IT ALL?
Tuesday Evening - i went into the city to watch Bobbys band play. on the way there i got a taxi from WTC. the cabbies name was Emmanuel. and we were talking about how young people these days have no role models. He was a former inmate of some kind and turned his life around and bought a building on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. He was opening a clothing store so he can be a good teacher to black kids in the neighborhood. when i hear stories like this i feel that maybe there is some hope for humanity as i find society at large wanting. RANT TIME - how else do you explain the lack of morality and all out lack of faith in these times. Obesity is at its biggest number of all time because folks are expecting things to be easy. why cook? why exercise? why leave that couch and make a difference. who knows? When i got to Arlene's i wished Emmanuelle good luck in his pursuits and walked into Arlenes to catch Bobby playing. this was the first show that both bobby and my bands had played in the same place and it was cool. I joked with Jen and Jen that this place was "old hat to me" as we played there Sept 27th. Bobby was solid and the band sounded great!
I recieved a text message from my girl saying "missing you my handsome" Life is good...
be great....duplicate
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