Day 28 - The Yankees Win!!!!

For every Papandrea there is a happy place in our collective brains and that is in Yankee stadium during the LCS when the Yankees are winning and the Red Sox are cursing the fact that they are missing that "piece" every year to put them over the top.
The Yankees are the American dream. For every person who's percieved vision of how life is supposed to be, the Yankees accomplish those dreams. When the Yankees win we all do. Every win makes our ambitions, goals, dreams, and hopes as attainable and clear as the air we breath.
The white N.Y. logo on a blue hat, the pin stripes on a white jersey, the words NEW YORK on gray are comforting to us like a sunday dinner of macaroni and gravy at our parents house. We have embraced the team because deep inside we wish we all were kids again playing baseball in Liberty on Labor day, imitating swings trying not to break a window.
This blog is for you New York Yankees and you Papandrea's, because the Yankees show us how to win, and the Papandrea's are winners.
be great... duplicate
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