Saturday, October 16, 2004

Day 29 - Roc and Chris

My Friend Josh (aka J-ROC) came and visited me as he was in town consulting. Josh moved from NY to Arizona and i've known him for a while. Josh and i were the youngest people working at Comedy Central (18 and 20 respectively). we were wide eyed and raring to take on the world. Fast forward 6 years still wide eyed but a little more wise to the world and cautious in any undertaking. Josh is married to Jeni and they have a child named Aaron who is my lil buddy and i hope someday will play for the Jets or Giants because hes Linebacker material. Josh and I met my old roommate Eric for sushi at Hatsuhana. We were discussing an old business idea we had back in the days called trendmecca and how we were the smarter for having gone through that. Josh crashed at my place and we bullshitted most of the evening. Josh is the type of person that indirectly challenges you to be great as he is extremely intelligent and takes the time to explain things because he is genuine and wants the person he is speaking to to understand fully whatever the subject may be. He has this quality about him that makes any person who works with him as i did at Comedy, feel they are accomplishing goals rather than sputtering around in a haze. It is an honor to call him friend and hopefully someday we can work together on a project (game!!!)

Today i was on my way home and wanted to do some shopping as Mad Machinery has a photo shoot tomorrow and i wanted some grey jeans and a t-shirt. I also have a date with Kasha. I went to Union Square to pick up jeans at Diesel and i get a call from Chris. He's like whats up, and i hear a car honking on the phone at the same time that was honking near me. I asked Chris where he was and he said Union Square. Synchronicity... we met up and walked down to Dean and Deluca to get some coffee and were talking about Fantasy Football (Poor CHris is 0-5 and im doing shitty too 2-3), Steuben, and life in general. Chris and i have the same sense of humor just very out there and wacked out. Everyone of the Steuben Boyz have it to a certain degree. Chris and I passed by this girl staring at her watch outside the movie theatre and Chris goes "he's late again?" it was hilarious she looked at him like he's right WHAT AN ASSHOLE. we were dyin! Chris has connections at this hot lounge restaurant called Level V in the meatpacking district so hes gonna hook me up for my hangout with Kasha. thanks dude!

be great....duplicate