Special SF EDITION Part 1

The amazing couple in the above picture is Andres and Dahlia Ramirez. My company usually wants me to head out to company headquarters once or twice a year. Andres and i started talking via email and quickly found out we had the same sense of humor and love of music. The man is the most brilliant and creative person i have ever met. One time i asked him why he was taking photos of some really obscure parts of his apartment and outside. he said "you'll see" and he made a video for us highlighting these amazing angles that any other person wouldnt have seen intermingled with footage. Everytime i head to SF its tradition that i stay with Andres. Andres met Dahlia and they fell in love and were married 1 year and a half a go. I was at the wedding with my brother Joe as my "date", he held my hand the whole time. I didn't know Dahlia at all but i came out to SF a couple of months after and we bonded over sappy movies and this incredible French toast with peanut butter/maple syrup topping. Dahlia is in a band called THE MONOLITH

On this trip, Andres and Tidy picked me up at airport and we immediately hit the In and Out burger and consumed 2 double-doubles (double burger.... double cheese.... DOUBLE CORONARY BLOCKAGE) . after In and Out we wanted to get some coffee and there was a Krispy Kreme on the way to Tidy's, the ironic thing about that scenario was directly next door was a vitamin shoppe. so while you guiltlessly binge you look next door and realize you may want to be healthier and grab a protein bar instead of that maple icing donut of the month. I needed to grab some bars so i can keep my protein intake up so we made our way inside the Vitamin Shoppe. while i was shopping i heard the Tidy cackle from the back of the store so i headed back there to investigate. amid the Muscle milk and all the Psuedo Andro and Anabolics around Andres and Tidy found a bunch of homeopathic teas and Gingko blends to which Andres dubbed it the "WALL OF WUSS" we were cracking up.

Day 2 Andres, Dahlia, and i headed into the office and i spent the day fielding "how did you lose all that weight" questions. After work i went to the gym then met Tidy and Andres back at the office as we had tix to see Megadeth in SF. we hit up our favorite restaurant in the SONY metreon called the Buckhorn and had some more laughs over Lil Bucks and this amazing Broccoli salad they make there. Unto Megadeth, when we arrived the usual rabble of folks were there a sea of black shirts, tatoos, and BO greeted us like Linus safety blanket. Exodus opened for them and had Chuck Billy from Testament on Vocals. i used to be a huge Testament fan so that was cool. Kasia called me right before Exodus started their big hit Toxic Waltz, i went out of the main auditorium to hear how much she missed me and I felt the same and told her this. Megadeth crushed em playing some new stuff and it was a joy to see Dave Mustaine playing as he was diagnosed with a hand disability and overcame it and played amazingly. Tidy, Dre, and I rocked it hard as we male bonded doing chest bumps, high fives, punching... the works! Andres pointed out that Mustaine was giving the devil horns instead of pointing at the crowd which was sick. he also did something where he pointed to the audience that applauded to them. we dug that. On our way out we were a bit deaf so we were screaming AWESOME as we walked to Tidy's car and unto Dre's house.

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