My Brain hurts.... I have been trying to think of how to properly finish the SF blog and start the blogging anew... to no avail. i have disappointed the millions of POP's blog fans out there with no posts.... it ENDS NOW. I will be posting every night and will finish the SF BLOG this weekend. without Further Ado here we go.
Updates - Kasia and i are doing well we are having the normal things happening after 3 months of a relationship. the curtain has been lifted and true personality traits are being pushed to the forefront. As one matures and has been seasoned in the art of fucking up a relationship and or being FUCKED UP from a relationship you understand the patterns of a relationship better. This is by no means a "im a bitter bitch" Blog aka BLOG ME A RIVER tm Tidy 2004-2005, this is just to give a true and honest every day glimpse of my life and its why i started blogging and i will never be dishonest... EVER. the way i see it there is 3 stages Euphoric, Voltaic, Sophomoric, then Pathetic.
Euphoric - At first its all HAPPY HAPPY you cant wait for the phone call, the hangout, the overlooking of a trait that you find somewhat distasteful. mind blowing intercourse followed by more ... and MORE... U GET THE POINT.
Voltaic - vol·ta·ic
( P ) Pronunciation Key (v


k, v

l-, vôl-)
adj. - Of, relating to, or being electricity or electric current produced by chemical action; galvanic.
- Producing electricity by chemical action.
This means any type of chemical and or chemical imbalance will cause electricity aka STATIC to one or both members of a relationship. so little fights come up, little traits start working on your nerves.
Sophomoric - this stage is more fights but the kid gloves are off. nothing is sacred. fasten your seatbelts it GETS BUMPY!
Pathetic - the End of Days, either 1 party begs for forgiveness for things they could have corrected in the duration of the relationship and either the other party forgives and they begin the vicious cycle again or they end it completely leaving either or both of them thinking is it me who's the problem or is it the other person... not my problem anymore let me find somebody else to start feeling again.
What stage is POP at?
Kasia and i are in the Euphoric/semi Voltaic stage. We are virgos so we are communicating well and figuring out what we can do to not go through the next stage(s). In the past i would have folded easier on things i'm looking for as i had esteem issues but now i have a tag team partner called confidence. Kasia has a good sense of humor so she understands why i do the things i do. one of her pet peeves though is she thinks i work too much. i think sometimes she may have a point on that so i am working on those things. Compromise is key.
Mad Machinery - we are on hiatus while Dino and Ed are recooperating from making out with Axl Rose and getting lyryngitus. we will be gigging somewhere in February still TOP SECRET. in other news Dino and I did an
interview for and its about how we met in college and band news. Big thanks go to Patterson and Dawnerson for arranging the interview as Paul (the interviewer was very cool and asked some fun questions)

In related MM news - Yoko (aka Ashley) came to visit Dino in the city and we hung out while Dino was finishing up. we chatted it up at Dean and Deluca and split an interesting bacon and swiss muffin and cherry pommegranate juice. Dino got done around 6ish so we met him and went downtown to Papaya King and noshed on some dogs and waited for Kasia to get done. We met Kasia at Cafe Ari, the place was dead so we had our pick of seating while enjoying 3 types of tea. Every year Dino comes up with a new way to give me the middle finger this year was a gem. with his left hand he pretended he was winding a jack in the box with his right he locked and loaded the bird. he did the traditional jack in the box, then when the time comes to reveal the bird he goes POP and bam. it was a thing of beauty and beat out the GUN FIGHT BIRD of Last year... Instant Classic.
BAJA Update - I was shocked 3 weeks ago when one of the waitresses at Baja told me their closing at the end of the year. i was bummed and told Joe, Bobby, Jen, and Dino about it and they wanted to go there before they closed. as of 1/7/2005. BAJA IS STILL OPEN... WHAT THE FUCK, was this an effort to get our money from us??! if they are open on 2/5/2005, i will ban BAJA forever.
Yankee news - we got the Unit now we pry Beltran from the Mets. then again do we really even need him? ILL TAKE HIM!
Shoutouts -
Tidy - tidy has a new site called what a great name and i cant stop laughing. Tidy is a funny kid.
i've been waiting a looooonnnnngggg time to type this!
be great.... duplicate