Thursday, January 20, 2005

POM Wonderful - Scientific Studies DOUBLE THE SUGAR THAN SODA

POM Wonderful - Scientific Studies

WONDER PRODUCT MY ASS... this thing has more sugar than:

two of these:

Coke has two servings of 30 grams of sugar
POM tangerine and POM Cherry (my personal favorite) 2 servings of 34 grams.....

i dont dispute the pommegranate's rich antioxidant's (it is better than wine and blueberry juice combined and can combat arterial plaque) . i hate the fact that POM advertises wrongly to get people to think that this is the healthiest thing on the planet.

VENTING as i probably consumed 10 of those things before i consulted the label. they do taste amazing.

If you want to try it? click the link below and be the judge.

be great....duplicate