and so the question has been popped... and a blog retires..

The title of my blog is POP the question, while typing this i was noting the irony of actually blogging about popping the question. i will detail for you my lovely friends and family exactly what and how i did it chronologically:
Sunday 3/20 8AM - i awaken to a raging hang over from a night of Polish fun and Hoboken restaurants. Tell Kasia im going to the "gym" Today is the day i will ask my lovely woman to be shackled to me for richer or poorer... blah blah fblah.. (sarcasm in times of great emotion and happiness, a papandrea trait) I head two buildings over to the church (which i never attend because I suck and am going to hell, just kidding about going to hell but quite serious about not attending... we will try to go now that i met the priest... onward..) I walk into the rectory and see the priest who is Polish and ask him to give me a blessing and confirm that in Polish, "Wyjdziesz za mnie" means will you marry me... (trust me its harder to pronounce then it looks) he replies Yes and she will say "YES YES YES YESSSSSSSS" i like him already as i grab a parish card on the way out.

Sunday 9:30 - In office i call Slavik and we confernce call in Poland after about 5 attempts of busy signals. Slavik translates as i say that i love her deeply and would like her hand in marriage. her parents respond, she has told us how much she loves you and you have our blessing as long as you know that marriage is forever.. now i know where Kasia gets her smarts from because i believe marriage is forever as well so that is not even a factor. i tell them dobrahnots which means good night and call Kasia to tell her to meet me in Hoboken at 2 o clock

Sunday 1:30 - after killing 2 hours playing some City Of Heroes and shining up the ring a little
i headed to Hoboken and got about 4 vmail messages from Kasia saying "i don't feel well and i can't come" I think of the first response i can... we have to go to cingular today honey $90 dollars off phones... she doesnt bite, i say please for me i need your help... "shes ok but you better get me coldstone..." to this i smirk and know the way to a womans heart is ice cream!!

If you see that covered building in the background of my future bride in the picture its where we went on our first date and both noted the building had a little part that was rusty that looked like a heart, we didnt say anything to each other that day but about 6 months later we both brought it up as a sign that we were meant for each other. I asked her to sit down when she met me in Hoboken and i asked Kasia to look at the heart on the covered park area and that was a sign for us and how much i loved her deeply. and asked her in Polish to marry me. she was completely caught off guard and i told her how i has spoken to her parents and gotten their blessings. she cried tears of joy as i held her tight.

The question is POPPED and now the blog is retired.... thank you all loyal readers

p.s. see you at the engagement party September 17th 2006! - til then we live vicariously through my wedding cousins Ricky and Gina and Bobby and Jen D!
be great...duplicate